Blog – ÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥tvb Tue, 08 Nov 2022 18:53:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog – ÁùºÏ²ÊÖ±²¥tvb 32 32 214962504 Postal ballots for GE15 /?p=1005 /?p=1005#respond Tue, 08 Nov 2022 18:53:46 +0000 /?p=1005 Dear fellow Malaysians,

Postal ballots for GE15 will be issued on 7th November so voters in France should receive them several days after that. The timing will depend on the location of your voting constituency in Malaysia and on where you live in France.

  1. Getting ballots back to Malaysia in time

If your ballots arrive sufficiently early, you can send your own ballot back by individual courrier directly to the Returning Officer’s address on envelope B which will be part of your ballot papers (for postal voting guide see ) . Please find below some estimated delivery times and costs of courier services between Paris and Kuala Lumpur. Extra days should be added for other locations -please check directly with courier service.

We are grateful that four people flying back to Malaysia from France departing 13th, 16th and 17th November have kindly volunteered to carry back ballots. If you want to send back ballots through them, please bring your ballots to a collection point managed by MAF at the embassy (2 bis Rue Bénouville, 75116 Paris) at the times below.

Important notes: Your ballot envelope A should be sealed, but the ENVELOPE B SHOULD REMAIN UNSEALED so that those collecting can make sure there are only ballot papers in the envelope. If you want your ballot marking to be witnessed at the MAF collection point, PLEASE BRING YOUR MALAYSIAN IC with you.

MAF ballot collection for flyer leaving 13th November

  • Saturday 12th November:Ìý 17h-19h
  • Sunday 13th November: 10h-12h

MAF ballot collection for flyer leaving 16th November

  • Tuesday 15th: 10h -12h; Ìý17h-19h

MAF ballot collection for flyer leaving 17th November

  • Wednesday 16th: 10h-12 and 15h-17h


If you are living outside Paris and want to courier your ballot to Paris for MAF ballot collection, please send to :

Ambassade de Malaisie

2 bis Rue Bénouville, 75116 Paris


Attention: Priscilla Yap

(This telephone number can be provided to the delivery company: +33Ìý6Ìý78Ìý68Ìý72Ìý82)

Once in Malaysia, ballots will be delivered to collection and sorting points organised by Undi18 or other networks for delivery to individual constituencies.

If you would like to volunteer to coordinate ballots in your area (including manning collection points in Paris), please fill in this .


Important: Your ballot is your own responsibility and it is your decision as to how you want to return it to your constituency. ÌýThe collection and hand delivery of ballots back to Malaysia is being organised by volunteers to help return overseas votes on time.Ìý MAF, the embassy, and individual volunteers and flyers cannot be held responsible for what happens to your ballot.


  1. Witnessing ballots

For voters who do not have other witnessing options, Malaysian Embassy staff will be available to act as witnesses during embassy opening hours (Mon-Fri 9h30-17h00).


MAF and the MASAF (Malaysian Association of Student in France) are working together to try to connect Malaysians who have trouble finding other Malaysians in their areas.


If you need, or can volunteer to be, a witness, please fill in this .



  1. Help students to vote

As the voting age has been lowered to 18 years, there are many students in France who will be voting for the first time. To support them, MASAF is crowdfunding to raise money to deliver ballots to Paris by courier or by hand to be flown back. MAF would like to encourage all of you to support our students to exercise their right to vote by donating on this link:


  1. Data collection to improve the overseas voting system

Please help Global Bersih’s efforts to push for a more workable overseas voting system by noting when you ballot arrives and when it was sent from Malaysia (keep the envelope), when and how you returned it and how much it cost you. A data collection survey will be shared shortly.


For more information on postal voting, join theÌýÌýFB group. Any queries can also be sent to


MAF Exco

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MAF Christmas Party 2021 /?p=998 /?p=998#respond Sat, 27 Nov 2021 10:11:41 +0000 Dear fellow Malaysians and friends of Malaysia,

Malaysian Association France (MAF) is pleased to organize a Christmas party for you all from
12 noon to 3 pm, December 5th, Sunday.

Venue :
Restaurant La Couvee,
32 Rue Veron.
Paris 18,
Metro station: Abbesses or Blanche.

Gaspacho de petits pois à la menthe(halal)

Garden peas soup with mint (halal)
Bouillon de poule infusé au gingembre et citronelle ,foie gras, champignons forestiers
Chicken broth infused with ginger, lemon grass, duck’s liver and wild mushrooms.
Eggs immersion in fresh pumpkin sauce with pieces of chestnuts.(halal)

Main Course
Daurade à la plancha, betterave roti et raisins. (halal)
Grilled Sea bream serve with beetroot and grapes (halal)
Bœuf carotte, purée et des oignons.
Tender beef and carrots serve with potates puree and onions

Crème brulee au carambar,
Egg caramba cream/custard covered with crystallized sugar
Coco chia mangues,
Coconut milk, chia seeds, mangoes

Hot coffee and tea.
Maf will provide some pandan cakes.

Can bring limited wine.
The Chef and team are trained in Hotel George V. Excellent chef.
Ratings 9:2 Ìýupon 10.
25 euros per person
For payment, pls write your name, put the money in an envelope. Makes the collection easier for the restaurant manager.
Santa Claus is pleased to distribute gifts to your children provided by your good self.
Do not forget to write their names on the gifts.

Please register by clicking the link below :
One registration PER PERSON as we need to know your menu choice!Ìý
Hurry, hurry, only 50 seats.
Closing date Dec 3rd, 3 pm. Reservations will be closed before if we reached 50 seats.
Cancellation is possible before registration closing date, beyond that you may be liable for full payment.

Dress code

Warm clothings, Red and white if you wish. Santa or reindeer caps, Xmas accessories etc.
Do not forget your Passe Sanitaire & mask.
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MAF Diwali 2021 /?p=981 /?p=981#respond Tue, 12 Oct 2021 20:14:12 +0000 /?p=981 Dear fellow Malaysians and friends of Malaysia,

Malaysian Association France (MAF) is pleased to celebrate Deepavali the festival of light in Paris.

Venue :
Restaurant Welcome India
9 bis Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75006 Paris
Metro Duroc.

Date :
6th November 2021, Saturday.
12.30pm to 3.30pm

Menu :
Pakora (fried onions and vegetables)
Palak panir (spinach cream and cheese soup)
Dal Makhani
Butter chicken or Mughlai chicken
Nan, Rice
Hot Indian tea
Indian desserts

Price :
Adults Ìý 18 euros
Children Ìý6 to 10 years old , 10 euros.

Reservations will be closed on the 3rd of November.

Please kindly register using the link below :

Payment possible by cash or credit card. Tips are welcome.
You’re also welcome to contribute extra food or desserts.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Thank you.
Excos MAF.

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Job Opportunity /?p=978 /?p=978#respond Wed, 22 Sep 2021 09:15:43 +0000 /?p=978 The Embassy of Malaysia, Paris is looking for:

Assistant Communication Officer

The deadline for submitting applications is 27/09/2021.

The Embassy of Malaysia, Paris is offering a post of Assistant Communication Officer. Under this job function the successful candidate will contribute to improving the visibility of the Embassy of Malaysia in Paris, France.

This job function may be changed in accordance with the needs of the Embassy.

The working time will be in accordance with the Embassy’s office working hours and conditions. The successful candidate will be offered an indefinite employment contract as Locally Recruited Staff. The basic gross salary is EUR3, 163.00 per month with an annual increment of EUR43.00 until maximum of EUR4, 023.00.

Job functions and duties

The selected candidate will help raise the communication, visibility and profile of Malaysia and of the Embassy of Malaysia through developing the Embassy’s overall communication and visibility strategy. His/her activities will comprise of:

  • Planning, organising and implementing the Embassy’s information activities, including outreach events to reflect Malaysia’s multicultural events and spirit.
  • He/she will develop contacts/networks with media/press in France.
  • Manage the Embassy’s website, newsletter and social media accounts;
  • Assist in the dissemination of publication materials to Malaysians, students and to the general public, both hard copy and online;
  • Assist the Administrative Assistants in the Consular section to consular-related questions on social media.
  • As a focal point to answer enquiries from the general public.

We look for


  • Candidate should possess a University degree) or have obtained an equivalent level of knowledge through extensive professional experience.

Professional experience

  • Working experience in the press and information, public relations, media or journalistic sectors.

Communication skills

  • Excellent communication skills, including the use of social media.
  • Good presentation skills.
  • Proven networking skills.

Intellectual skills

  • Fully independent in report writing and excellent drafting skills.
  • Excellent ability to think analytically and innovatively.
  • Capabilities to clearly, efficiently and effectively conceptualise ideas and approaches.
  • Good capability to convert ideas into practical results that optimise the efficiency and effectiveness of the Embassy’s public activities.

Management skills

  • Able to lead/introduce public events.
  • Capacity to focus on priorities, to organise work and meet deadlines.
  • Excellent organisational skills.
  • Capable of producing high quality results within often tight deadlines.
  • Ability to negotiate at all levels in a multicultural and multilingual environment.
  • Sense of initiative.

Specialist knowledge

  • Excellent knowledge of Malaysia.
  • Excellent knowledge and practical experience of formulating (written and oral) and implementing a communication strategy.
  • Excellent ability to carry out Press and Information projects such as publication editing and organisation of events.
  • Knowledge of video and photo editing skills to enable the production of creative contents upon request.


Excellent command of both English and French (written and spoken). The command of Bahasa Malaysia will be considered an asset.

L’Ambassade de Malaisie, Paris, recherche :

Un(e) assistant(e) chargé(e) de communication

La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 27/09/2021.

L’Ambassade de Malaisie à Paris propose un poste de Chargé de communication adjoint. Dans le cadre de cette fonction, le candidat retenu contribuera à améliorer la visibilité de l’Ambassade de Malaisie à Paris, France.

Cette fonction pourra être modifiée en fonction des besoins de l’Ambassade.

Le temps de travail sera conforme aux horaires et conditions de travail de l’Ambassade. Le candidat retenu se verra proposer un contrat de travail à durée indéterminée en tant que personnel recruté localement. Le salaire brut de base est de 3 163,00 EUR par mois avec une augmentation annuelle de 43,00 EUR jusqu’à un maximum de 4 023,00 EUR.

Fonctions et tâches du poste

Le candidat sélectionné contribuera à améliorer la communication, la visibilité et le profil de la Malaisie et de l’ambassade de Malaisie en développant la stratégie globale de communication et de visibilité de l’ambassade. Ses activités consisteront à

– Planifier, organiser et mettre en Å“uvre les activités d’information de l’ambassade, y compris les événements de sensibilisation pour refléter les événements et l’esprit multiculturels de la Malaisie.

РIl/elle d̩veloppera des contacts/r̩seaux avec les m̩dias/la presse en France.

– Gérer le site web, le bulletin d’information et les comptes de médias sociaux de l’ambassade ;

– Aider à la diffusion de matériel de publication aux Malaisiens, aux étudiants et au grand public, sur papier et en ligne ;

– Aider les assistants administratifs de la section consulaire à répondre aux questions relatives aux services consulaires sur les médias sociaux.

РServir de point de contact pour r̩pondre aux demandes de renseignements du grand public.

Nous recherchons


– Le candidat doit être titulaire d’un diplôme universitaire ou avoir acquis un niveau de connaissances équivalent grâce à une expérience professionnelle approfondie.

Expérience professionnelle

– Expérience professionnelle dans les secteurs de la presse et de l’information, des relations publiques, des médias ou du journalisme.

Compétences en matière de communication

– Excellentes compétences en matière de communication, y compris l’utilisation des médias sociaux.

РBonnes comp̩tences en mati̬re de pr̩sentation.

РComp̩tences av̩r̩es en mati̬re de r̩seautage.

Compétences intellectuelles

РAutonomie totale dans la r̩daction de rapports et excellentes comp̩tences r̩dactionnelles.

– Excellente capacité à penser de manière analytique et innovante.

– Capacités à conceptualiser clairement, efficacement et effectivement des idées et des approches.

– Bonne capacité à convertir les idées en résultats pratiques qui optimisent l’efficience et l’efficacité des activités publiques de l’ambassade.

Compétences en matière de gestion

– Capacité à diriger/introduire des événements publics.

– Capacité à se concentrer sur les priorités, à organiser le travail et à respecter les délais.

– Excellent sens de l’organisation.

РCapable de produire des r̩sultats de haute qualit̩ dans des d̩lais souvent serr̩s.

– Capacité à négocier à tous les niveaux dans un environnement multiculturel et multilingue.

– Sens de l’initiative.

Connaissances spécialisées

– Excellente connaissance de la Malaisie.

– Excellente connaissance et expérience pratique de la formulation (écrite et orale) et de la mise en Å“uvre d’une stratégie de communication.

– Excellente capacité à mener à bien des projets de presse et d’information tels que l’édition de publications et l’organisation d’événements.

РConnaissance des techniques de montage vid̩o et photo pour permettre la production de contenus cr̩atifs sur demande.


Excellente maîtrise de l’anglais et du français (écrit et oral). La maîtrise du Bahasa Malaysia sera considérée comme un atout.

Connaissance des outils informatiques

РExcellente mątrise de Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.)

– Expérience dans l’utilisation des médias sociaux (IG, Facebook, Twitter)

– Expérience dans l’utilisation d’outils d’édition numérique (Photoshop, Canva, montage vidéo, etc.).

Compétences interpersonnelles

РCapable de travailler en ̩quipe avec de bonnes comp̩tences interpersonnelles.

– Capacité à travailler dans un environnement multiculturel.

Qualités personnelles

РUn vif int̩r̻t pour la promotion de la Malaisie en France.

Comment postuler

Veuillez envoyer votre candidature et les pièces justificatives à

Les candidatures doivent inclure un curriculum vitae complet indiquant le niveau d’éducation et les expériences professionnelles.

Seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés.

L’Ambassade ne fournira pas d’informations supplémentaires et ne discutera pas de la procédure de sélection par téléphone. Veuillez adresser toute question concernant cette procédure à l’adresse électronique ci-dessus.


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Condolence Messages on the Passing of Wan Hua Chapouthier /?p=970 /?p=970#respond Mon, 09 Nov 2020 15:08:11 +0000
Dear MAF members,
On behalf of MAF, we would like to express our deepest condolences to the Chapouthier family on the recent passing of MAF legend Wan Hua Chapouthier. She will always be remembered as one of the founding members of MAF. Her tremendous dedication and contribution to MAF had been an integral part of our success and growth. May she rest in peace.
If you have known Wan Hua Chapouthier and would like to send a message to her family, you can do so on this google form: . All the messages will be sent to the family as well as posted on MAF’s website.
Note: As the family has received an overwhelming number of calls, we would advise MAF members to send messages instead of calling the family at this time of sorrow. Due to the pandemic, only immediate family members are allowed to attend the funeral.
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Seeking for French-Malay translator /?p=950 /?p=950#respond Wed, 13 Mar 2019 12:16:22 +0000
Dear all members and friends of MAF,
Please find below an annoucement that might interest you.
TRANSLATOR required for civil marriage registration, from French to Malay.
Our marriage is taking place in the townhall of Fontenay sous Bois (departement of Val de Marne, 94) on the 6th of April at 10:40 am and the ceremony will last approximately 20 minutes.
Your role will be to translate orally the French text read out by the mayor into Malay. Proficiency in Malay is not at all required.
Please note that we’re willing to compensate for your time and travel. For those who are interested, please contact me, Dr Vishnu on mobile: +33 7 83 39 37 74. We would kindly appreciate you reach out to us before the 16th of April. Please share to anyone who might be interested and thanking you in advance.
/?feed=rss2&p=950 0 950
Oman Air promotions /?p=916 /?p=916#respond Thu, 10 May 2018 08:05:05 +0000
Latest promotions from Oman Air. Valid until 18/05/2018.
Travel from now to 30th November 2018.
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Overseas voters information /?p=913 /?p=913#respond Sun, 22 Apr 2018 21:11:49 +0000 Dear all Malaysians,

For those of you who are registered as overseas voters, here are information that may be of interest to you :
Please kindly be informed.
Kind regards,
MAF Exco
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Piano concert by Muzaffar Abdullah /?p=904 /?p=904#respond Wed, 14 Mar 2018 22:01:13 +0000 Dear MAF members and friends of Malaysia,
Please find below some information related to an upcoming piano concert by Muzaffar AbdullahÌýat the Villa Cathala in Noisy-le-Grand on 24 March 2018 at 20h30.
Tickets can be reserved before the concert by calling directly the Villa Cathala.
Kind regards,
MAF ExcoÌý
La Villa Cathala – Maison des Arts propose au printemps
deux soirées consacrées à la musique classique.
Mezzo Cello
duo voix-violoncelle
samedi 17 mars à 20h30Ìý
avecÌýDorothée ThivetÌý(mezzo-soprano) etÌýMaëlise ParisotÌý(violoncelliste)
Un concert invitant à la découverte ou redécouverte d’airs célèbres du répertoire de l’opéra-comique (Offenbach, Bizet, Strauss, …)
et à un voyage musical singulier évoquant la mer, l’exil,Ìý l’Orient, le rêve à travers les mélodies de Fauré, Berlioz et Saint-Saëns.
Muzaffar Abdullah
récital piano classique
samedi 24 mars à 20h30
Le pianiste malais joue un programme classique qui ravit amateurs et passionnés.
Multiple lauréat de concours internationaux de piano, Muzaffar Abdullah connaît un franc succès dans les salles les plus prestigieuses d’Europe et d’Asie
où il se fait notamment remarquer pour son interprétation duÌý 2nd Concerto de Rachmaninoff avec l’Orchestre National de Malaisie à Tokyo (Opera City Hall)
et à Osaka (Philharmonic Hall).
de 10€ à 16€
01 45 92 58 39

Toute la programmation surÌý
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Malaysian Bazaar in Paris /?p=892 /?p=892#respond Mon, 26 Feb 2018 16:57:40 +0000 The Malaysian Bazaar is back in Paris.

So please save the date of April 7th from 11hr00 to 17hr00 to enjoy Malaysian cuisine at its best as well as other delightful merchandises from beautiful Malaysia.

Bring your family and friends to experience the myriad of cultures, traditions and ethnicity in one location – Rumah Malaysia @ 48, Boulevard Suchet.

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