Volunteer yourself for MAF’s booth (Malaysian Food Bazaar)

Dear members,

MAF is participating in the upcoming Malaysian food bazaar by holding 2 drinks booths.

We are actively seeking volunteers among all our members/friends to help us as part of the organising team.

The volunteers will assist in setting up and decorating the booths, sales of drinks, distributing food coupons, cleaning up at the end of event, etc.

As a reminder, the event will be held on the 5th June 2016 (Sunday) at Rumah Malaysia – 48 Boulevard Suchet, 75016 Paris.

We hope to assemble 3 teams:

Team 1 : 4-5 helpers from 9h00 to12h00

Team 2 : 4-5 helpers from 12h00 to 15h00.

Team 3 : 4-5 helpers from 15h00 18h00.

There will be press food bloggers on that day to write about the event, please wear Malaysian traditional outfit if you have, this would be good for photos! 😉

All helpers will be provided with a packet of nasi lemak and unlimited tea and water, with best compliments from Maf.

To volunteer yourself to be part of this grand event, simply sign up via this link by 27th May (Friday) :

Let’s make this Food bazaar an unforgettable experience together !

Best regards,